Hey there,
so it was a pretty good week over here in Ohio. The weather was bad yesterday but it's going to get better soon!
I also went on a field trip with my Cincinnati History class yesterday and it was amazing! We went to the reds museum and the great american ballpark and after that we could get lunch wherever we want, my group went to Tom& Chee, it's something like a sandwich store with literally every kind of sandwich, I tried the glozen donut cheese or however it is called, it's a glozen donut with cheese in the middle, it was good but too sweet.
At night we headed over to a friend for a movie night and we played just dance. After sleeping on the floor, it wasn't very comfortable but funny, and waking up we went to watch the JV (= Junior Varsity) Football game and the Freshmen game it was a lot of fun. I really enjoy football games even tho I don't understand everything that's happening, the main thing is having fun, screaming/ cheering and just enjoy them playing. The best games are the ones from varsity of course!
The Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany is starting today and so is the one over here in the sister city Cincinnati. It's smaller than the real one and just a copy but it's hilarious and weird to see all the german flags in Cincinnati and people wearing dirndl and lederhosen!
We're going there tomorrow so I'm excited about seeing how it is over here.
- Denise xx!